Cape May Stage
We hope you can take a moment today to donate to Cape May Stage, which will allow us to continue providing a place to connect with the wonder of live theater, to hear stories that expand our minds & feed our souls, and to celebrate the indelible power of community in our lives. Thank you in advance for believing in Cape May Stage and helping us achieve an even brighter future.
Thank you for supporting Cape May Stage! Your gift will help ensure that we are able to continue bringing engaging and entertaining live theater to the nation’s oldest seaside resort. We welcome your tax deductible donation of any size and appreciate your support.
Join the Producers Circle
Get the inside scoop on each season’s new productions while supporting Cape May’s theatrical treasure.
Producer's Circle members receive exclusive benefits and experience live theater like never before. Donate
Annual Giving 2025

Producers Circle 2025

Get the inside scoop on each season’s new productions while supporting Cape May’s theatrical treasure.
Producer's Circle members receive exclusive benefits and experience live theater like never before. Donate
Other Donation Opportunities
Commemorative Bricks
Support Cape May Stage with the purchase a custom brick on the theater's walkway for just $200 and leave your legacy for years to come. Bricks can be personalized with up to three lines of text, perfect for commemorating a birthday, anniversary, or the memory of a loved one who supports the arts.
National Playwrights Symposium
The National Playwrights Symposium is dedicated to bringing talented emerging and professional playwrights together with some of the world’s most renowned artists in an environment of community, creativity and craft. Donating to the National Playwrights Symposium can help defer the cost for a playwright in need or can allow you to establish a scholarship in your name!
Readings & New Works Initiative
Cape May Stage always looks to support emerging playwrights and their new plays. Through readings held on nights when our mainstage plays are not performing, we are able to present these brand new plays to the public. We always offer our readings as donation based to allow everyone to enjoy these plays. Any donations can help offest the costs of these readings and allow us to present even more new and exciting plays!